

In order to make a reservation for a Labrador retriever puppy, please follow the instructions below. I do not require a deposit until a litter is born. When a litter is born I will contact you to discuss your new puppy and if you decide to proceed with the purchase, a $200 deposit (non-refundable) will be required to reserve your puppy. Reservations are on a 'first come-first pick' basis with myself having first choice to any pup(s) of any litter. Once a litter of pups is born, we wait until the pups are 5 weeks old before requiring pups to be chosen. I will contact the first pick position person and ask them to choose their pup, then contact the second person and ask them to choose from the remainder, and so forth. We wait until the pups are 5 weeks old so that everyone can see how all the pups are coming along. Because others are waiting to choose their pup, if you are unable to select your puppy in a timely manner I will select a puppy for you.

Please email with the following information if you are placing a reservation and for deposit payment information. 


Please answer these questions honestly! They are not meant to 'disqualify' anyone, just to let me know what areas we will need to further discuss to ensure a safe and happy outcome for all.